Transmissions from Beyond and In-between

“Here Are The Ones That Went”
by Sonya Vatomsky
When one of your favorite humans is also one of your favorite writers (not to mention favorite poets) and they publish a new short story, it’s cause for celebration no matter what the state of the world or the state of myself. I’ll never forget the first time I read one of Sonya’s poems, from […]

“I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything.”
Greetings on this, the vernal equinox. Our hiatus is lasting a bit longer than intended. I started writing the blog post below back in early February, intending it to be a quick proof-of-life indicator that we hadn’t vanished or quit, that work on Liminal Flares continues behind the scenes while important life things transpire at […]

A Blessed Unrest-ful Bandcamp Friday
Once upon a time, over a decade ago, I listened to a brand new album for the very first time, pressed on luscious blood red vinyl, that sounded – that felt – like it couldn’t possibly be new. It felt both incredibly old and timeless. That album was A Blessed Unrest by The Parlour Trick. […]

The Sonic Equivalent of Being Seen: Gender-Inclusive Story Time at Liminal Flares
When you know someone who weaves words the way that my indescribably dear friend S. Elizabeth does, the experience of reading their writing about something you created… It causes my own words to fail me.When this beautiful post arrived in my inbox courtesy of Sarah’s newsletter, I was so overwhelmed by feels that it took […]

Conjuring Kindred Company: When Recording Space Meets Magpie Tendencies
Sometimes where you do something feels every bit as important as what it is that you’re doing in the first place. With that in mind, here’s a look at where I record for Liminal Flares. This isn’t where our marvelous music and other audio witchery happen. But when I’m reading to you, this is where […]

We Are the Singing Darkness: Transphobia & an Affirmation
One night I burned the house I loved,It lit a perfect ringIn which I saw some weeds and stoneBeyond — not anything.Certain creatures of the airFrightened by the night,They came to see the world againAnd perished in the light.Now I sail from sky to skyAnd all the blackness singsAgainst the boat that I have madeOf […]

Liminal Inception
Our very first episode, “A Prelude at the Threshold,” is unlike any that follow. I couldn’t commence with our eldritch, gender-inclusive story time without explaining why I created this podcast in the first place. That context makes it clear why this is so much more than a series of eerie, atmospheric tales. I also wanted […]

Liminal Flicker
“The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better.” ― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Beginnings can feel so awkward. How do I begin writing a blog for a podcast that hasn’t launched yet, which means there’s no one to address in the first […]