Terms of Use
Privacy Statement
Liminal Flares places utmost importance on the security of all personal information submitted when you make a purchase on our website. Please be assured that we have security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of any information we receive from you.
As with any transmission over the Internet, however, there is always some element of risk involved in sending personal information. In order to minimize this risk, we encrypt all information that you submit to make a purchase on our website using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. This advanced encryption technology makes personal information unreadable as it travels over the Internet. You can see when the SSL protocol is in use by looking for a padlock icon somewhere in your browser frame. If you click on this padlock icon, it will show you the certificate information that verifies the identity of the computer you submit your information to.
Liminal Flares respects the privacy of our online visitors, and we are committed to protecting the privacy of the users of our website. When providing any personal information to us, your name and contact information will be used by the Liminal Flares to send information directly related to our organization. We will never sell your personal information to any companies or other organizations.
If you choose to send us your mailing address information, we may include your address on our mailing lists. Those signing up for the Liminal Flares electronic newsletter will receive information via e-mail regarding Liminal Flares events, press releases, and news complementary to our services. We do not sell or share our newsletter e-mail list with any other organizations.
Our website stores a code that uses it to search its own databases and communicate with Google Analytics to help us deliver the best user experience.
We will release specific information about you or your account to comply with any valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order. This privacy and security policy will advise you about how we protect your personal information. Please read this policy carefully. We may need to change our policy from time to time in order to address new issues and reflect changes on our website. All changes will be posted here. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please use our contact form to contact the Liminal Flares.